Canada’s Agriculture Day is February 13, 2018

canada's agriculture day

Canada’s Agriculture Day is a time to showcase all of the amazing things happening in our industry and create a closer connection with consumers about where their food comes from and the people who produce it.

Marie-Pierre Dubeau and Sébastien Grandmont made the choice of agriculture when they decide to become the family succession of Le Petit Mas, an agribusiness specializing in growing organic garlic. Since then, their proud of being organic garlic producers grow each day. This is what they would like to share with you today :

” We are proud to be part of a major economic industry, because more than 2 million Canadians work in agriculture. Le Petit Mas employs more than 50 people in high season.

canada's agriculture day

We are proud to be part of the 97% of Canadian family-owned farm.

We are proud to protect the environment, we grow organic garlic in Quebec for 25 years.

We are proud to be innovative, as we are both farmers with university background. Also, our fermented garlic scape is a unique Canadian product.

Canada's agriculture day

We are proud to offer quality Canadian garlic.Canada ranks number one in global food safety. Since 2017, it is now possible to track down our garlic from our field to our points of sales because we implement a traceability system to get the Canada Gap certification.

We are proud to work in an agriculture business. Agriculture is not only work, it’s a lifestyle. A lifestyle where kids play in mud, where days end at sunset (or after…) and where we have the satisfaction to be part of a better world a bite at a time.

We are proud to contribute to the development of the agriculture business while eating Canadian food. Try these recipes that showcase produce of the Eastern Townships and be proud to be part of the agriculture success! ”

Marie-Pierre and Sébastien, owners and farmers at Le Petit Mas, an organic garlic farm

Grilled cheese with Alfred le fermier cheese from la


Alegria organic pasta with fermented garlic scapes – produitsalegria.comPâtes simples aux fleurs d'ail

Smoked fish, lettuce and tomato sandwich with garlic scape mayonnaise –

Sandwich poisson fumé et mayonnaise aux fleurs d'ail

You didn’t make your garlic stock for the year?

Don’t miss the next harvest! Subscribe to our newsletter.

Meanwhile, discover our fermented garlic scapes, a unique product offered in more than 500 points of sales through Quebec, Ontario and Calgary!

garlic flowers store

How should I store my canadian garlic?

how should i store my canadian garlic

1-    Buy fresh Quebec garlic in season: In addition to being more flavourful, juicy and exquisitely crisp, fresh garlic doesn’t have its germ! (Buy it directly from our our online store as of early August.)

2-    Buy garlic directly from producers: Garlic bought directly from producers has never been stored in cold rooms, which cause the cloves to germinate early. (The producer: that’s us!)

3-    Buy garlic from an experienced producer: The way garlic is dried is critical for ensuring that it will keep well throughout the year. Experienced producers know how to process garlic at each of the different steps of production to ensure the quality of the bulbs. (Le Petit Mas has 25 years of experience!)

4-    Buy a garlic variety that naturally stores well: Garlic varieties do not all have the same shelf life. The Music variety we grow naturally keeps well (it will keep from one harvest to the next), while other varieties have a shorter shelf life. (The Music variety is the one we sell!)

5- Follow your producer’s advice on how to store garlic: Ultimately, if you buy our garlic, keep it handy on your kitchen counter or in your cupboard at room temperature (around 20°C). Since our garlic has not undergone a dormancy period (which happens when it is kept in the cold), its biological clock has stopped. The germ will grow very slowly inside the bulbs and won’t come out for several months—or even not at all—before the next harvest.

Order your Quebec garlic as of early August and enjoy it throughout the year!

buy online garlic

While waiting for the next harvest, try our fermented garlic flowersavailable year-round in stores. Once opened, the jar keeps in the fridge for over two years!

garlic flowers store


Should I protect my fields of Quebec garlic with mulch?


“I planted my Quebec Music variety garlic in late September, and it has already grown to almost three inches above ground. 1) Will I lose my harvest? 2) Should I cover it up?”

We received these questions by email and thought we would take the opportunity to share our responses with our followers.

Should I protect my fields of Quebec garlic with mulch?

Should I protect my fields of Quebec garlic with mulch?

1) Will I lose my harvest of Quebec garlic? It is normal for garlic to grow a little during the fall. We also plant our Music variety garlic at this time so that it can develop strong roots and then grow with vigour in the spring. However, don’t worry if the garlic doesn’t sprout in the fall!

2) Should I cover my garlic? There are several ways to do this in Quebec. Some producers mulch with straw, some not at all, and some use other kinds of cultivation methods (plastic mulch, herbicides, etc.).

For our part, since we are organic farmers, we protect our garlic with mulch. We use straw, but in a garden or for a crop on a smaller scale, you can use dead leaves.

The benefits of using mulch:

– Garlic is sensitive to severe frost and temperature changes (freezing/thawing). This can weaken the plants and make them grow less vigorously in the spring. In Saint-Malo, winters have been very unpredictable in recent years (for example: the snow cover disappeared in February, then there was a period of intense freezing). Covering the garlic with mulch protects it in case the snow cover melts.

– The yield of garlic (the size of the garlic bulb) is sensitive to weed competition. Mulch is effective in suppressing weed growth. Unfortunately, the mulch doesn’t do all the work for us. We have to till the soil to eliminate the weeds before mulching, and then weed as needed between the plants and between the rows!

– Garlic needs one inch of water per week. Mulch helps conserve soil moisture during dry periods.

That said, some Quebec garlic producers do not use mulch.

The drawbacks of using mulch:

– Depending on the surface area you need to cover, buying mulch can be a significant investment.

– The presence of weed seeds in a mulch of poor quality can introduce weeds in the fields. This will indirectly increase the cost of labour for weeding.

– When the soil is protected by mulch, it thaws more slowly. Garlic can take one to two more weeks to sprout (compared to garlic that is not under mulch). Consequently, this delays the harvesting of scapes and garlic and selling them in markets.

– Lastly, the major challenge of mulching is quantity. Too little mulch will protect the garlic from frost but won’t be effective in preventing weeds. Too much mulch will stifle and kill the garlic.

Agriculture is never simple: you need to find the solution that best fits your reality. Please contact us if you have any questions about garlic farming in Quebec or read our Garlic Growing Guide.

Whether you are a gardener or a garlic producer, we wish you a happy end of season. The work in the fields is almost done!

Buy your Quebec garlic seeds in season (early August to late September) from our online store.


While you wait for the next harvest, enjoy our fermented garlic flowers available year-round in stores.


Sébastien Grandmont, co-owner of Le Petit Mas and garlic producer. 

Sébastien Grandmont, co-owner of Le Petit Mas and garlic producer.